Drifting Images

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Drifting Images

Welcome to Drifting Images.

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Copyright © 2016 Drifting Images All rights reserved. No images can be used nor the name "Drifting Images" without the expressed permission of the artist.

"The Beginning of the Cobalt Path" Sold. In the Dale Chesnut collection.

'"The Beginning of the Cobalt Path" Sold

"The Beginning of the Cobalt Path" Sold. In the Dale Chesnut collection.

"Soul Fire" Lifesize

"Success" 16' Wingspan

"Success" 16' Wingspan

"Untamed" at the RiverPoint Corporate Center, Tukwila, Washington, in the Tom O'Keefe collection.

"7 Point" at the RiverPoint Corporate Center, Tukwila, Washington, in the Tom O'Keefe collection.

"Alert" in the Greg and Jani Parcher collection

"Owl Woman" 6' Height

"Owl Woman" 6' Height Sold

"The Angel Miriam" 5' Height. Sold to Maggie Monaghan.


"The Cone"

"The Elder" NFS

"The Osprey" 1' wide, 8" high, NFS

"The Orca" cedar float, NFS

"The Viking" NFS

"The Salmon" cedar float, NFS

"The Deer" cedar float, NFS

"The Cone"

"The Cone"

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Spires on Salmon Creek

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